
Top 5 smart warehouse technology that will change the Warehousing industry

  To increase the profit margins of a business, the business by itself needs to scale. The process of scaling includes the need to increase production, technological innovation in order to cut costs and also strategize against the fierce competition. One of the most popular ways to upscale a business is by optimizing its warehouse efficiency and such efficiency can be achieved by upgrading to a smart warehouse. The way to choose the right smart tech for the business is based on a number of factors that drive the business from the demand and the supply side. This helps the business achieve their long term plans faster by streamlining the warehousing challenges and reducing many human errors that frequent the warehousing industry. As a result, many big brands have made sure to incorporate smart warehousing solutions that provide them massive potential against their competitors on many fronts. Here are top 5 smart warehouse technologies that is transforming the Warehousing industry th...

Warehouse technology trends in 2021:

  With the dependency on e-commerce post-pandemic, it has directly impacted the digital world transformation. The COVID-19 virus has forced the entrepreneur to adopt the digital platform more than ever before. By the business report of 2020, it has been observed that businesses that have moved online in the past six months alone is more than those in the last decade. Advancements in technology will help warehouses to evolve. Warehouses will get smarter as time goes on, accommodating warehouse management systems (WMS), blockchain technology, and state-of-the-art robotics. The technology which will be seen in the future of warehousing will be: Internet of Behaviors(IoB): IoB will be the newest sensation in the warehousing sector as businesses and companies are taking advantage of the technology to track customer and customer behaviour. For example: big data, tracking of the locations, facial recognition etc. Also, according to the MNC like gartner more than half of the glob...